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ConcussionSmart Marin

California law regulates how concussions are identified and managed. ConcussionSmart Marin provides a standard level of student concussion evaluation and care. 
Concussion Awareness and Management 

All school staff, teachers, coaches, students and their parents should know the symptoms of concussion, the importance of reporting a concussion when it is suspected, and what to do to aid recovery and return safely to athletics and academics. Designate a site team comprised of the various stakeholders to create and provide oversight of the program.


ā€‹Program Team

Working together, teachers, coaches, athletic trainers, parents, counselors, health care professionals and students can decrease the risk of concussion complications and secondary concussions. 

ā€‹The program should: 


· Teach stakeholders current concussion laws.

· Provide instructions for all stakeholders about concussion identification and management.

· Inform all stakeholders of protocols for return to activity and academics.


ConcussionSmart Marin Program Elements













Adult Education: Coach and teacher training can help adults identify students who may have suffered a concussion and alleviate the risk
of a secondary concussion. Parents, school nurses, school secretaries, and other adults who work with children will also benefit from
this training.
Student Education: Provide information that helps young people understand the causes, and consequences of concussions. Knowing the risks helps kids speak up when they or their friends have suffered a head injury. Understanding why prevention is important will influence students to wear helmets or other protective headgear.

Forms: Document and Respond to Head Injury Occurring at School Marin County Schools’ protocol for students with possible concussions includes standard reporting and tracking forms. The supervising adult starts the process, with the school nurse or other designated school representative as the main informational point of contact. A student who has begun the concussion protocol must not participate in any athletics or physical activity until they have received written clearance from their licensed healthcare provider.


ļ»æā€‹Click here to access forms and protocols.
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